
M&A Science

M&A Science, hosted by Kison Patel (Founder & CEO of DealRoom), is your go-to podcast for mastering the art of mergers and acquisitions. Each week, Kison and his expert guests from leading brands like Xerox, FastLap, and Cisco dig deep into real-world M&A strategies, offering actionable insights to optimize your M&A practice. Whether you're an experienced practitioner or new to the field, M&A Science provides practical advice on key topics like sourcing, due diligence, integration, divestitures, and more. With over 300 episodes, this podcast is the premier thought leadership resource designed to streamline your deal-making process. Start listening today and visit to access over 300 episodes. Brought to you by DealRoom, the leading M&A optimization platform used by the best M&A teams around the world
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M&A Science










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Feb 14, 2024

John Blair, Partner M&A Attorney at K&L Gates

In M&A, it’s very common for buyers and sellers to disagree on the value of the business. If both parties cannot agree on the price, the deal could fall apart. However there are certain strategies and tools that both parties can use to compromise and be happy during closing. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, John Blair, Partner M&A Attorney at K&L Gates, shares best practices on how to bridge valuation gaps in M&A. 

Things you will learn in this episode:

•Bridging gaps in M&A Valuation


•Seller Financing

•Equity structure 

•Market’s impact on Bridging M&A Valuation Gaps

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

04:13 When to get involved in the M&A Process

07:50 Negotiations during LOI

09:42 Bridging gaps in M&A Valuation

11:09 Using Holdbacks to Bridge M&A Valuation Gaps

13:20 Seller Financing

15:00 Earnouts

16:43 Earnouts on Intellectual Property

18:45 Key Variables in an Earnout

23:14 Earnout payment structure

25:53 Making Earnouts Successful

29:08 Structures of Seller Financing

36:24 Traditional terms of seller financing

38:20 Equity structure

41:04 Stock options

43:52 Minimizing the cash upfront during a sale

46:34 Contents of Letter of Intent

49:14 Advice for first timers

50:01 Craziest Thing in M&A


Feb 12, 2024

In the dynamic world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), creating an effective team is crucial for success. This process can be complex and demanding, but also immensely rewarding. After all, having an internal team means having the capability of acquiring companies in the future, rather than treating M&A as a one-time event. 

In this episode, Birgitta Elfversson, Non-Executive Director at Netlight, shares her experience in transforming existing staff into M&A experts. 

Things you will learn from this episode:

• Shaping the M&A strategy

• Building an M&A team

• Scaling the M&A Team

• Recruiting competent people

• Managing burnout

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

10:54 Shaping the M&A strategy

12:46 Key elements of the strategy

14:58 Strategy approval

16:10 Challenges on the first acquisition

18:30 Building an M&A team 

22:05 Scaling the M&A Team

25:10 Recruiting competent people

26:44 M&A Aptitude test

32:48 Working with consulting firms during M&A

37:17 Setting the external team up for success

39:08 M&A Team structure

39:48 Managing burnout

43:18 Programmatic M&A

49:09 Start up doing M&A

51:47 Integration execution

53:19 Smart collaboration in the future

55:51 Setting integration up for success

58:20 Craziest thing in M&A


Feb 7, 2024

Jake Lin, Head of Corporate Development at Xendit

Navigating cross border M&A is one of the most challenging tasks for deal makers. There are a lot of intricacies involved that are unique to each country, and must be handled delicately. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Jake Lin, Head of Corporate Development at Xendit, shares his best practices when executing cross border M&A, particularly in South East Asia. 

Things you will learn:

  • Biggest challenge in Cross Border M&A

  • Language barrier during Cross border M&A

  • Managing Cultural Differences during negotiations

  • Cross border M&A best practices

  • Integration approach to cross border M&A

This episode is sponsored by the DealRoom.

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

05:44 Biggest challenge in Cross Border M&A

08:18 Cross Border M&A without Bankers 

09:04 Working with Local Bankers

09:55 Language barrier during Cross border M&A

12:05 Managing Cultural Differences during negotiations

16:01 Managing the Speed of Cross border M&A

17:20 Cultural Differences almost killing the deal

18:48 Countries easiest to work with

21:06 Cross border M&A best practices

22:32 Strategic tips when dealing with Cross border M&A

23:49 Integration approach to cross border M&A

25:37 Negotiating Payment terms

28:59 Computation for stock payments

30:06 Advice for first-timers

30:29 Craziest thing in M&A


Feb 5, 2024

Yoav Zeif, CEO at Stratasys

In today’s competitive global market, organizations need to leverage every tool in their arsenal to stay ahead of the curve. One of the best ways to do this is strategic M&A. With the right approach, M&A can drive significant growth, unlock fresh opportunities, and expedite the achievement of strategic business goals. In this article, Yoav Zeif, CEO at Stratasys, shares his experience on achieving business growth through strategic M&A.

Things you will learn in this episode:

•The Start of their M&A Journey

•Strategic M&A framework

•Evolution of Strategy

•Working with the corporate development team

•How to ensure positive business outcomes during integration

This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

07:04 Start of M&A Journey

11:56 M&A strategy framework

18:58 Real-life acquisition scenario

20:20 Evolution of Strategy

23:59 Working with the corporate development team

26:29 Corporate development teams pitching deals

30:22 How to ensure positive business outcomes during integration

31:57 Big lessons learned

39:18 Retaining key people

40:26 Other lessons

42:42 Craziest Thing in M&A


This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to


Jan 31, 2024

Russ Heddleston, Co-founder & former CEO, DocSend

Every owner loves their business. This makes selling their company even harder than it already is. But aside from the emotional turmoil that founders go through every exit, there are also a lot of intricacies included in the process. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Russ Heddleston, Co-founder & former CEO of DocSend, discusses the challenges of sell-side M&A.

Things you will also learn in this episode:

  • Considerations in Potentially Selling a Startup

  • Challenges of sell-side M&A

  • Key Factors for a Successful Exit 

  • How to manage diligence in sell-side M&A

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

04:10 Starting DocSend 

06:08 Identifying the Inflection Point to sell

09:01 Selling a Startup

10:46 Considerations in Potentially Selling a Startup

14:28 Best Time for an Exit

16:00 Balancing Stakeholder Interests in an Acquisition

17:50 Relationship Management in an Acquisition

19:46 How Relationships Influence Negotiations

20:41 Relationships with Bankers

23:14 Reaching out to DropBox

26:16 Key Factors for a Successful Exit

28:04 Impact of Market Conditions on M&A

28:45 The Unknowns of Selling a Business

30:53 Post-Acquisition Challenges and Unknowns

32:34 Enhancing Preparation for Post-Close Integration

34:05 Tips for Buyers for Smoother Integration

35:18 Challenges of Sell-side M&A

37:15 Efficiently Managing Diligence

38:46 People involved from pre-LOI to Close

41:36 Post-Acquisition Team Dynamics

43:01 Evaluating Alternatives to Selling

48:28 Fundraising Strategies to Minimize Dilution

49:44 Advice for Acquirers Seeking Successful Acquisitions

51:29 Effective Strategies for Corporate Leaders to Engage with Founders

53:14 Craziest thing in M&A


This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to




Jan 29, 2024

Jason Mironov, Managing Director at TA Associates

Partnering with PE firms is a great way to exponentially grow a business and reach new heights. However, there are considerations that must be taken into account, before taking PE capital. Fully understanding them will increase chances of success, in the attempt to unlock the full potential of the business.

In this episode of the M&A Science podcast, Jason Mironov, Managing Director at TA Associates, discusses the pros and cons of taking PE capital.

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

05:29 The Lack of Operating Experience

07:03 Pros of taking money from a private equity firm

11:01 Other factors to take money from PE firms

12:49 Cons of taking money from private equity

17:16 Focusing on IRR

22:10 Culture of focusing on numbers

26:54 Working with Unhappy CEO

30:06 Board control

35:33 Expectation for the Board Structure

38:30 Dilution for founders

42:53 How to build and preserve wealth

47:20 Approach on partnership

51:03 Handling Inbound Contacts

56:51 Creating value before partnership starts

01:03:15 Working with the founder

01:05:38 Pushing M&A to portcos

01:08:51 Founder Exit

01:16:01 Timeline of investment

01:20:26 Craziest thing in M&A

This episode is sponsored by DealRoom. Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at 


Jan 24, 2024

Michael Frankel, Founder and Managing Partner of Trajectory Capital

When times are good, big companies tend to ignore their smaller business units, as they operate smoothly on their own. It is only when the economy gets tough that these little businesses get more attention, and often seen as off-strategy or a distraction. That's when the company's leaders decide it's time to sell them, which is not ideal, as the business is no longer in their prime, making it harder to sell. 

In this episode of M&A Science podcast, Michael Frankel, Founder and Managing Partner of Trajectory Capital, joins us to share his best practices of selling a small business unit.

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

03:35 The decision to sell a business

05:01 Reasons to sell the business

06:43 Steps in selling a small business unit

09:59 Finding buyers

11:53 Avoid using bankers

13:30 Pitching the deal

14:50 Avoiding non-serious buyers

16:42 Important factors other than price

23:01 Real life example

27:54 Valuation gap

30:29 Evaluating the business

34:45 Hardest part of selling a small business unit

37:03 Advice for first time buyers

41:48 Proactively approaching a seller

47:25 Earnouts on small deals

48:44 Craziest Thing in M&A

This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to

Jan 22, 2024

Swapnil Shinde, CEO at Zeni 

Selling your business is never easy. Aside from the emotional stress that it provides, it can also be detrimental to the business if it's sold to the wrong company. Oftentimes, during the process, it can also serve as a massive distraction to the operations, harming the business in the process. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we will discuss how to create a positive exit experience in M&A with Swapnil Shinde, CEO at Zeni. 

Things you will learn:

• Reasons for the first exit

• Reacting vs Proactive Exits

• Hardest part of selling a business

• Role of sellers in Integration Planning

• Do’s and Don'ts of Buying a company

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

06:31 Reasons for the first exit

09:19 Venture Exit

12:19 Build to sell

14:03 Reacting vs Proactive Exits

16:28 Using Bankers during Exits

19:09 Hardest part of selling a business

21:30 Managing Diligence

24:28 Lessons Learned on Diligence

28:03 Keeping and building relationships

29:29 Role of sellers in Integration Planning

32:29 Reasons why Integration fails

34:49 Worst exit experience

36:31 Making integration successful

38:25 Do’s and Don'ts of Buying a company

39:41 Identifying Cultural Fit


This episode is sponsored by our products DealRoom and FirmRoom.

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to




Jan 15, 2024

Chris Von Bogdandy, Global Lead M&A Solutions at Slalom

Revenue synergies are why you’re doing the deal in the first place. But unlike cost synergies that happen instantly, revenue synergies are more difficult to achieve and often go unrealized. One of the biggest problems in M&A is that when a company pursues a deal, different departments have varying perspectives on what's essential. So how do you maintain the deal thesis as a central focus?

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Chris Von Bogdandy, Global Lead M&A Solutions at Slalom, discusses his framework for realizing revenue synergies in M&A.

Things you will learn:

•Importance of Revenue Synergies

•Correlation between M&A strategy and Revenue Synergies

•Understanding Customer Journey 

•Planning for Revenue Synergies Pre-LOI

•Agile M&A

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

06:17 Importance of Revenue Synergies

09:58 Correlation between M&A strategy and Revenue Synergies

16:42 Timeline of Revenue Synergies

18:49 Realistic Revenue Synergies

21:14 Understanding Customer Journey

24:44 Planning for Revenue Synergies Pre-LOI

27:38 Capturing Revenue Synergies Post-LOI

31:04 Executing the Plan

34:21 Cross-Functional Work Streams

36:29 New product introduction process

40:15 Agile M&A

43:31 Disbanding team and workstreams

46:57 Top three principles to success

48:48 Advice for next generation of young leaders in M&A


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom.

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at .

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to


Jan 8, 2024

Casey Nault, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief ESG Officer at Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE)

ESG in M&A is very real. And while it is a fairly new term, it represents a range of critical issues and priorities that companies have long considered. In many ways, ESG has always been important and is essential for risk management and maintaining company value, even for for-profit organizations. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we will discuss how to focus on ESG in M&A, featuring Casey Nault, SVP, General Counsel, and Chief ESG Officer at Coeur Mining, Inc.

Things you will learn:

•Importance of ESG in M&A

•Balancing ESG and profit

•ESG diligence 

•Red flags during ESG diligence 

•ESG on cross-border deals


This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

07:31 M&A in the Mining Industry

09:26 Valuation and Deal Structures in the Mining Industry

13:51 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

15:57 Importance of ESG

20:13 Disaggregating ESG

21:49 Sustainability in today's market

24:04 Balancing ESG and profit

26:52 ESG considerations during M&A

30:58 Evolution of ESG approach

32:41 ESG diligence

33:35 Red flags during ESG diligence

35:31 Deal Stoppers

36:36 Designated person sustainability

37:17 Diligence Execution during M&A

39:19 ESG on cross-border deals

40:55 Negotiations on cross border deals

42:47 Advice for practitioners

43:18 Craziest thing in M&A


Jan 1, 2024

Brock Blake, Co-Founder and CEO at Lendio

M&A is a never-ending web of complexities and challenges. While the potential for growth and transformation is promising, the chances of failure are extremely high. To increase chances of success, acquirers must learn how to be adaptable and work with the target company for alignment. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Brock Blake, Co-Founder and CEO of Lendio, shares their approach on how not to bomb your first M&A deal. 

You will learn:

• How to drive your first deal

• Understanding the cultural aspect of M&A 

• Strategizing acquisitions

• Validating assumptions before acquisition commitment

• Budget allocation for an earnout


This episode is sponsored by our products DealRoom and FirmRoom

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom is the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

06:02 Getting into M&A

07:14 First deals and their drivers

10:43 Second Acquisition

14:49 Third Acquisition

18:43 Understanding the cultural aspect

25:17 The new deal approach

29:10 Strategizing acquisitions

32:07 Validating assumptions before acquisition commitment

38:14 Budget allocation for an earnout

41:37 Craziest thing in M&A

Dec 25, 2023

Aaron Whiting, Chief of Staff at Crownpeak

Value creation in any acquisition relies heavily on how well the M&A integration goes. By focusing on integration, buyers can increase their chances of success in obtaining and realizing their intended synergies. But how well can it go if the company’s integration lead is a first-timer? 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Learn the basics of M&A integration execution, with Aaron Whiting, Chief of Staff at Crownpeak.

You will learn:

  • How to coach a first-time integration leader

  • Getting ready for day one

  • Kickoff meeting strategies

  • Challenges during integration

  • Setting alignment for kickoff meetings


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Bookmark

00:00 Intro
05:09 Coaching an integration lead
06:33 Involving the Integration Lead
12:42 Integration on Day one
17:49 Getting ready for Day one
22:31 M&A teams to pull in for integration
25:41 Kickoff meeting strategies
31:12 Maintaining regular cadence for good progress
35:53 Umbrella track
37:47 How to track integration activities
42:38 Challenges during integration
47:55 Mechanical things that could go wrong during integration
52:59 Setting alignment for kickoff meetings
56:26 What success looks like through stories
01:01:50 How to know when the integration is complete
01:03:42 Advice for first timers
01:07:48 Craziest thing in M&A

Dec 20, 2023

ChatGPT Voice, powered by OpenAI

This past year, AI has revolutionized the way we do things, and ChatGPT has been a big part of that. Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT can understand and use language like a human, making it extremely useful in a lot of different areas. And now, we can actually talk to it. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we are introducing our first-ever ChatGPT interview. We are going to learn its insights on AI’s impact on the world of M&A. 

You will learn more about:

  • AI’s role in deal sourcing

  • Streamlining due diligence using AI

  • Future of M&A

  • Limitations of AI

  • ChatGPT’s advice on integrating AI into M&A


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

03:06 Revolutionizing M&A with AI

03:53 AI’s role in Deal sourcing

08:08 AI’s role in deal valuation process

12:41 Limitations of ChatGPT

14:05 Streamlining due diligence

18:00 AI’s impact on M&A integration

22:10 Case Study: Daimler Chrysler merger

25:15 Case Study: Amazon acquiring Whole Foods

28:14 Future of M&A

30:23 DealRoom

32:40 How to incorporate AI into DealRoom

35:57 Positive business outcomes using DealRoom

37:41 Ethical Considerations Using AI

39:28 Limitations of AI

41:04 Advice on integrating AI into M&A

43:10 Craziest thing in M&A


Dec 18, 2023

Dr. Karl-Michael Popp, Senior Director, Corporate Development at SAP (FRA: SAP)

In today's digital era, the pervasive influence of technology is felt in every facet of business, and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are no different. The arrival of innovation and automation will soon make their way to the industry, streamlining processes that could bolster productivity and facilitate smoother post-merger integration. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Dr. Karl Michael Popp, Senior Director, Corporate Development at SAP, discusses in detail automation in M&A.

Things you will learn:

  • Measuring Strategy during automation

  • Strategic Fit Analysis

  • Identifying Targets

  • Quantifying culture in M&A

  • Impact of new emerging technologies in M&A


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at 

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to 

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

07:10 Measuring Strategy

10:00 Structuring Strategies

13:53 Quantifying Metadata

16:24 Breaking it down into details to complete the strategy

18:49 Strategic Fit Analysis

20:06 Identifying Targets

22:40 Cascading of Strategy

25:33 Changing the strategy

27:11 Learning from the target company

31:18 Quantifying culture in M&A

32:47 Impact of new emerging technologies in M&A

34:50 Automation in M&A

39:27 The late evolution of M&A

40:51 Craziest thing in M&A


Dec 11, 2023

Anthony Krueger, Associate at Morrison & Foerster LLP

M&A comes in varying sizes. However, there’s a common misconception that smaller deals are easier to execute than larger ones. The truth is, that smaller deals come with their own unique set of challenges that could possibly make them even harder to do. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Anthony Krueger, Associate at Morrison & Foerster LLP, debunks this myth and discusses how to execute smaller deals and negotiate key legal provisions.

You will learn:

•The complexities of smaller deals

•Executing earnouts

•Reps and warranties insurance for smaller deals

•Working capital adjustments and its effect on smaller deals


This episode is sponsored by the  M&A Science Academy. If you’re looking to improve your in-house training, we have corporate training plans provided. Give your team members access to the best-in-class courses, templates, and networking opportunities in the industry. It’s also a great way to show your support for M&A Science.  If you’re interested in learning more about individual or team plans, visit this page.

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

04:36 Smaller deals vs bigger deals

06:35 Complexities of smaller deals

06:52 Other layers of complexities

10:10 Earnouts

18:03 Reps and warranties

24:08 Fundamental vs General Reps and Warranties

25:35 Indemnities

28:40 Disclosure schedules

32:34 Caps and Baskets

35:52 Carve-out

36:44 Working capital adjustments

40:47 Deferred revenue

42:01 Accrued bonuses and vacations

44:12 Advice to those doing small deals

45:12 Craziest thing in M&A


Dec 4, 2023

Rajive Dhar, VP, Head of Corporate Development at NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP)

For first-time acquirers, M&A can be challenging, as it comes with strenuous processes with many complexities that can turn the dream into a nightmare. However, with proper guidance, acquirers can have a smooth transaction and an amicable negotiation. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast. We discuss the intricacies of M&A from start to finish with Rajive Dhar, VP, Head of Corporate Development at NetApp, to help us navigate our first deal.


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

05:58 Different types of M&A

09:49 Corporate Strategy for M&A

12:37 Dealing with new customers

14:49 Acquiring competitors 

17:13 Target screening

22:19 Opening up conversations with the target company

23:55 Initial Due Diligence

25:59 Diligence list

30:17 Sunsetting competitors product

33:02 Assessing culture

34:52 Putting an LOI together

39:58 Negotiating deal structure

46:41 Earnouts

55:44 Keeping relationships

1:00:13 Best advice for practitioners


Nov 27, 2023

Jim Ackerman, recent Vice President of Corporate Development at Flex; Steve Coghlan, Semi-recent Vice President of Corporate Development at Flex.

Every deal is different, which means each and everyone will present unique challenges that teams have to overcome. Especially when dealing with smaller companies. There is no such thing as a perfect deal. However, with the right mindset and approach, deals can still close and bring value to both parties involved. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Jim Ackerman, recent Vice President of Corporate Development at Flex, and Steve Coghlan, former Vice President of Corporate Development at Flex, discuss their experiences on M&A surprises and horror stories.

This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom, the fastest virtual data room used to get deals done. Leave the pay-per-page world behind by going to

Episode Bookmarks

00:00 Intro

05:06 Sourcing deals

08:24 Key things to ask during the first meeting

11:49 How to get exclusivity

15:01 How the governance works

16:41 Due diligence red flags

17:21 Cultural integration

19:46 Working with the board

23:54 Best way to pitch a deal to the board

24:34 Stakeholder management in the board

25:40 Managing M&A surprises

29:30 Good M&A Surprises

34:37 Accounting surprises

36:30 Private deal surprises

40:39 IT surprises

42:33 Surprises between signing and closing

45:38 How to mitigate risks and surprises

46:13 What trap currency is

48:04 Integration surprises

50:40 Mitigating surprises from integration

54:25 Instilling clear and purposeful communication

55:23 Hardest step to do in M&A

56:10 Worst deal ever done

59:11 Best advice

1:00:12 Craziest thing in M&A


Nov 20, 2023

Nicole Markowski, Manager and Corporate Development at Wipfli LLP

More than the numbers, relationships can make or break a deal. Regardless of the deal rationale, strong, trusting connections between parties can lead to smoother negotiations, clearer communication, and a greater likelihood of mutual satisfaction in the end result. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Nicole Markowski, Manager and Corporate Development at Wipfli LLP, delves into the importance of cultivating positive relationships to drive M&A success.


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps:

00:00 Intro

07:04 The importance of relationships in M&A

09:25 Key people to build relationships with

15:55 How to foster and develop relationships

23:03 How to engage with key people

25:27 Approach to build relationships

28:30 People assignment for developing relationships

30:47 Delegating tasks in building relationships

34:22 Key acquired company people to build relationships with

36:31 Handling resistant groups

39:25 People problems and how to address them

45:57 Advice to first-time practitioners

47:45 Craziest thing in M&A


Nov 13, 2023

Samuel Wilson, Chief Executive Officer at 8x8 (NASDAQ: EGHT)

In the grand scheme of things, every M&A must make financial sense. Whether it’s cutting cost, increasing revenue, or achieving operational efficiencies, it all boils down to the numbers. After all, every company’s main goal is to grow and increase profit for its shareholders. It is why the Chief Financial Officers play an integral role in M&A. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we will explore M&A from a CFO’s perspective, featuring Samuel Wilson, Chief Executive Officer at 8x8.


This episode is sponsored by the DealRoom and FirmRoom. 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

07:55 The Role of CFO

11:39 Risk Management

14:39 Integration aspect

15:54 Alignment on assumptions

18:14 Managing people

19:28 Best integration practices

21:25 Working with the CEO

22:52 Walking away from a deal

27:10 Getting involved in the deal

29:50 Tying the Strategy

33:36 Integration Budgeting

39:43 Working with corporate development

40:54 Advice for first time acquirers

44:04 Craziest thing in M&A


Nov 6, 2023

David Barnes, Chief Financial Officer at Trimble Inc. (NASDAQ:TRMB)

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) play a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of strategic ventures. Beyond their traditional financial responsibilities, these financial architects hold the key to unlocking the full potential of mergers and acquisitions. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we explore M&A from a CFO’s perspective with David Barnes, Chief Financial Officer at Trimble Inc.


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit 

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

04:29 The Role of CFO

05:14 How the CFO’s roles differs from the CEO

06:24 Decision-making process and approvals workflow

09:43 Communicating opportunities

11:15 Prioritization

14:18 Balancing the allocation of budgets

16:42 How equity compensation works

18:14 How aligned investment analysts are when evaluating a company

20:08 Forecasting deals

22:53 Priorities when looking at deals

26:49 Balancing priorities when structuring earnouts

28:31 Understanding a company’s culture

31:08 Integration from a CFO’s perspective

33:49 How the speed of integration impacts value realization

37:05 Biggest lessons learned as a CFO

39:23 How to pitch deals to the CFO

41:38 Craziest thing in M&A


Oct 30, 2023

Joe Metzger, Managing Director at 777 Partners

Navigating a career shift can be a transformative experience, unlocking new opportunities and challenges. For Joe Metzger, Managing Director at 777 Partners, diving into the world of private equity was an exciting path to explore. It's a chance to grow expertise, collaborate with diverse entities, and embrace strategic growth.

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Joe shares his amazing journey shifting from corporate development to private equity.


Craving for fresh, actionable M&A insights? Dive into the M&A Science Fall Summit this Nov 8th! Unlock secrets on integration, valuations, talent retention, and more from top M&A minds. It’s all the ‘how-tos’ you need, and it’s FREE! Secure your spot at

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

05:02 Transitioning from Corporate Development to Private Equity

08:59 Corporate Development role vs Private Equity role

12:10 Seeking employment opportunities

16:16 The efficient frontier concept

20:06 Are you happier in private equity than in corporate development?

24:17 How to negotiate employment offers

26:48 Other things to negotiate in employment agreements

30:47 How to land a PE role

33:34 Advice to those considering transitioning between Corp Dev and Private Equity

34:52 How to transition to a PE role from a VC and M&A role

36:03 Craziest thing in M&A


Oct 23, 2023

Chris Evans, Experienced M&A Leader | former Head of CorpDev Integration at Amazon and Scott Boyd, Deputy Director, Strategy Implementation at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | former Head of Integration for AWS. (NASDAQ: AMZN)

Change management is one of the most crucial aspects of M&A. While integration involves multiple facets, from supply chains to customers, change management is solely focused on the employees. This can make or break a deal, as employee retention is one of the main ingredients to achieving synergies in a timely manner.

In this episode of the M&A Science podcast, Chris Evans, former Head of CorpDev Integration at Amazon and Scott Boyd, former Head of Integration for AWS, discusses integration strategies change management person.  particularly the nuisances of change management.


Craving for fresh, actionable M&A insights? Dive into the M&A Science Fall Summit this Nov 8th! Unlock secrets on integration, valuations, talent retention, and more from top M&A minds. It’s all the ‘how-tos’ you need, and it’s FREE! Secure your spot at!

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

02:26 Integration Strategy vs Change Management

06:50 Definition of Change Management

09:55 Dedicated Person for Change Management

14:03 Change Management Planning

16:16 Most Effective Approach to Change Management

19:32 Common Challenges during Change Management

24:25 Practical Tips for Change Management

26:49 Hardest Step in M&A

33:38 Craziest Thing in M&A


Oct 16, 2023

Chris Evans, Experienced M&A Leader | former head of CorpDev Integration at Amazon and Scott Boyd, Deputy Director, Strategy Implementation at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | former Head of Integration for AWS. (NASDAQ: AMZN)

In the complex world of M&A, the difference between a successful deal and a failed one often hinges on integration. Proper integration, driven by a harmonious fusion of strategy and execution, ensures that the merging entities can effectively combine their strengths and navigate potential pitfalls. 

In this two-part episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we dive deep into the heart of integration strategies and underscores the pivotal role of the integration team during the due diligence process, featuring Chris Evans, ex-Head of CorpDev Integration at Amazon and Scott Boyd, former Head of Integration for AWS.


Craving for fresh, actionable M&A insights? Dive into the M&A Science Fall Summit this Nov 8th! Unlock secrets on integration, valuations, talent retention, and more from top M&A minds. It’s all the ‘how-tos’ you need, and it’s FREE! Secure your spot at

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

06:11 Types of Integration Strategies

09:14 Transformative Integration

11:39 Deals Easy to Integrate

13:24 Most difficult thing to Integrate

15:40 Timeline of integration planning

20:26 Benefits of Integration teams running diligence

25:49 Integration Teams’ Diligence Execution

28:46 Structuring the M&A Function

34:39 Consistency vs. agility

40:10 Understanding culture pre LOI

44:34 Working with inexperienced business leaders

46:59 Questions to ask pre-LOI as an Integration leader


Oct 9, 2023

Roy Schoenberg, President & Co-CEO at Amwell - American Well Corporation (NYSE:AMWL)

The healthcare industry is a complex and rigid space where change is often rejected. Any evolution in this sector not only signifies business decisions but also influences the overall quality and accessibility of patient care. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Roy Schoenberg, President & Co-CEO at Amwell, delves into the intricacies of navigating M&A in the healthcare industry.


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

04:26 Evolving from a medical background to M&A

07:27 What makes the healthcare space distinct

09:36 What drove Amwell to do acquisitions

13:03 Shaping the acquisition strategy

16:59 Amwell’s first acquisition

22:29 Integrating the new company

24:50 Retaining key people

28:33 First acquisition lessons learned

31:03 Dealing with transaction surprises

34:03 Approaching deals as one of the main principal

38:01 Deal sourcing

39:49 Managing relationships with the counterparty

41:30 Communication during diligence

43:14 Craziest thing in M&A


Oct 2, 2023

Mark Rayfield, CEO of Saint-Gobain North America (EPA: SGO) and CertainTeed

Integration is not just about combining processes and systems. It is about bridging cultures and creating a shared identity. However, integrating two organizations can be complex, especially when it comes to managing major cultural differences. 

In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, we explore key strategies  for effectively balancing culture during an integration, featuring Mark Rayfield, CEO of Saint-Gobain North America and CertainTeed.


This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom. 

To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit

Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at

FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to

Episode Timestamps

00:00 Intro

05:50 Culture in M&A

09:59 Acquiring a competitor

11:18 Team Alignment

13:24 Understanding culture

15:45 Difficulties of Culture

16:52 Improving decision-making

18:55 Challenges for smaller companies

20:37 Lessons learned from acquisitions

24:58 Establishing strong communication

27:14 Advice on Integration

31:08 Retaining lessons learned

32:49 Ensuring deal value

34:40 Governance and M&A activities

37:20 Success metrics

38:59 Messaging with key investors

40:20 Non-core acquisitions

41:19 Cultural aspect of non-core acquisition

43:02 Craziest thing in M&A


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